Saturday 4 February 2012

Finally found some Fine Frye boots!

This week I visited a small SA shop that usually yields very disappointing "finds". I wasn't really expecting much. Then I saw these puppies in the front display case.

Frye harness boots

Initially, I didn't buy them because I was on my way to lunch, and these boots were heavy. I however had been eying Frye boots on the bay, where a pair will sell for upwards of $125.

SA price? $25. I went back and bought the boots a few hours later. I had never checked the size
the first time. I had planned to resell them, but Guess what? They were size size.

Must be fate.

They are in excellent condition, lots of wear in them left. These are the harness 12R style, and I can't wait to wear them when the snow goes away!!

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